Earth Day Recap at North & Shore
Apr 26 , 2023

"The smell of pine trees and fresh breezes by the water."
"The lakes!"
"Camping along the shore of Lake Superior."
"Stopping and smelling the flowers and recognizing
"We love to hike and camp!"
"Finding peace and love out in nature."
"Gardening Therapy!"
“I love playing in the woods and (picking) up garbage “

Why do you care for the earth?
"Wish for my grandchildren and the next generation to enjoy it."
"As a mom to be i want to preserve the earth's resources for future generations."
"I love being out in nature and want to make sure everyone can enjoy what I do."
“Because it's all we got! Always trying to make sustainable choices”
"For the fresh air, delicious water and lush grass."
"I care for the earth because she is our mother and she cares for us."
"It's home, we gotta care."

“Picking up trash while going on walks, stopping and smelling the flowers and recognizing that we are all connected to nature. Buying second hand when able”
"Say no to plastic wrap and bottles."
"Use less, reduce reuse and recycle."
"Grow at least some of my food, reuse, and compost."
"Trying to buy anything I can second hand instead of new."
"Thrifting most of my clothes, reduce and reuse whenever I can."
"Always try to make sustainable choices."
"Reduce co2 emissions by driving less and taking public transportation/walking/biking whenever I am able."
"Solar panels."
"Planting flowers and trees."
"Practicing leave no trace and only taking pictures and memories with us from our nature adventures."
"Trying to swatch to products that don't hurt the environment."
“Picking up litter and consider myself an imperfect environmentalist”

Some of you even shared how your jobs are helping to
“I work for the parks in the city of Port Washington, Wisconsin. I enjoy planting flowers, trees and caring for our community garden beds all over town. Big project this summer is the prairie restoration goin on in the community.”
“I work in transit and help electrify bus fleets! I love the earth and as a mom-to-be, want to preserve earth's resources for future generations! Love the lakes, minimize waste, reduce CO2 emissions by driving less, etc!”

Ruby Dammann has been with North and Shore since the Makers Mercantile mobile camper days. She also is the maker behind Little Leaf Goods jewelry. Ruby grew up in St.Paul and moved up to Duluth for school (go bulldogs), fell in love with Lake Superior, and just hasn't been able to leave since. When she isn't in the store or making earrings she loves to get outside and go camping with her wife Marcy and dog Onni. You can find her and her jewelry on facebook and instagram at @little.leaf.goods.