Scandinavian Baking in Northern Minnesota
May 09 , 2023

If you’ve spent time in Northern Minnesota or have relatives here, I’m guessing you’ve heard of Lefse, Krumkake and Rosettes. Maybe you’ve even tried them or made them with your grandma. They might remind you of the holiday season and time spent with your family.
I know for me they do. But have you heard of Norwegian School Bread or Norwegian Troll Horns? These are not the well-known Scandinavian treats you know and love but are among my favorites to bake year-round.

Many people know Scandinavian baked goods to be eaten around the holidays, but what if we didn’t limit them to that? What if we enjoyed Lefse in the summer as a filling snack after a hike?
This is how The Norse Bakehouse was born. To offer traditional + modern Scandinavian baked goods that might be found in Scandinavia today.

Although I’ve never visited Norway or Sweden, many of my family recipes come from there and have been passed down through generations.
I grew up making them with my family. I’ve listened to the stories and memories these baked good bring back for many people.
I’ve seen the surprise on their faces when they see baked goods they haven’t seen or made in years. It’s more than just a delicious treat but a memory brought to life.

One of the main ingredients in most Scandinavian baked goods is cardamom or some type of cream filing. Norwegian Trolls Horns are filled with whipped cream mixed with Swedish Cloudberry Jam and wrapped in a pastry puff. The sugar coating on the outside makes for a sweet yet crunchy bite. Norwegian School Bread is filled with my homemade vanilla bean custard set inside a soft cardamom bun and topped with shredded coconut and lemon icing. These can be enjoyed on a nice summer day or relaxing by a warm fire in the winter.

My name is Stephen Swanstrom and I have been baking for 10+ years. I started a side bakery business in 2021 after many years of baking as my hobby and in 2022, I made it my full-time job. I created the Nose Bakehouse to specialize in Scandinavian baked goods as it is part of my heritage and something I wanted to learn more about. One of my favorite things about baking is trying new recipes, experimenting with different ingredients, and creating a unique product that both tastes and looks delicious. When I’m not baking, I enjoy being outdoors hiking, biking, camping, etc. I love spending time with my wife and our 3 dogs who bring so much joy to our lives.