An Ode to North Shore River Swimming + Best Locations!
Aug 13 , 2022
Oh river, flowing stream
Keeper of Childhood Dreams
Fish or net or splash all day
Wild and free this home of play
Refresh our bodies, minds, and souls
Along a river, free and whole
I may become a professional poet one one these days, for now I'll just stick to my day job :) Haha.. but really! RIVERS ARE THE BEST! If you live along the North Shore or visit here, you'd agree that there are endless rivers to be discovered locally. And within these are so many wonderfully swimming holes. I enjoy a good beach day, but there is really nothing like finding a wild river hole to swim in!
Here's a few of our favorite streams to take a dip in along the North Shore:
- Lester River. Park at Lester Park and hop down below the bridge, or follow the the trails up for a more scenic swim!
- Knife River. There's several hiking stretches along this stream to explore, and swimming holes galore. Our favorite section to hike and swim is the one right off of the Scenic Drive- south of the expressway overpass there's several awesome, deep holes!
-Temperance River. This river is large and powerful, but oh so fun for good swimmers! You may even be able to find a cliff for jumping if the river is calm. Park along Hwy 61 (parking at this lot is free!) to take the trails to some awesome jumping and swimming holes.
And don't forget!
-Water shoes
-Kid's nets for catching water critters
-Bug spray!
Where's your favorite river swimming hole? We'd love to hear!
Happy Adventuring,

Watercolor painting from Duluth Artist SJ Nielsen- find the print in our Brick and Mortar store and online shop!